Prof. Giovanni Battista Alberti
- He was born in Legnago (VR) on 02nd April 1941;
- Graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Venice "Cà Foscari" in 1965;
- Was qualified to exercise the profession of Chartered Accountant in February 1969, with registration at n. 35 of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Verona;
- Was appointed Official Auditor of the Accounts with the Italian Ministerial Decree 29/12/1977, appointed Legal Auditor with ministerial provision;
- Is registered in the Court of Verona Technical Consultants Register;
- Is an expert of the Court pursuant to ex art. 68 of the regulations implementing the Code of Criminal Procedure;
- Is Former Professor of Business Economics and holder of the teaching of General and Applied Accounting at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Udine;
- Is Former Professor of Business Organization at the University of Verona, Faculty of Economics;
- Is Adjunct Professor of Business Economics and of Advanced Business Economics at the University of Verona, Faculty of Law;
- Is Member of the Italian Academy of Business Economics and of the Italian Society of History of Accounting;
- Author of monographs and numerous scientific and professional articles and speaker at study conferences on the same subjects.